Evelyn Bartley

Data Intern

Evelyn is a data intern at the Kalamazoo Promise. With this role, she utilizes her attention to detail and strategic analytical skills to support data management and capacity enhancement. Her responsibilities include collaboration on data quality efforts, data documentation, and various data projects. While data science is logical, Evelyn believes analytical outcomes can vary based on the goals of the data scientist developing the analysis. In an environment like The Kalamazoo Promise, it is essential that one realizes that an observation in a data set is not simply a number, but a number that represents an entire livelihood. This distinction is what drives us to make more tactful decisions rather than simply relying on logic.

As a Kalamazoo Public Schools graduate, Evelyn has experienced first-hand the highly valuable opportunity that the Kalamazoo Promise scholarship provides. After graduating from Loy Norrix High School in 2018, she had the privilege of continuing her education at Kalamazoo College with the aid from The Promise and Heyl Scholarships. During her undergraduate experience, she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Studio Art. Evelyn is currently in the process of earning her Master of Science in Data Science through the CUNY School of Professional Studies in hopes of a career in data.